Legislation and Policy Considerations

1.         The following provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 apply to this application: Section 4 General Duties of Licensing Authorities; Sections 104 to 106 Objections.


2.         The following provisions of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 which amended the Licensing Act 2003 apply to this application; Part 2 Licensing, Chapter 1 Amendments of the Licensing Act 2003, Temporary Event Notices.


3.      The following provisions of Regulation 2918, Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) Regulations 2005: Submission of a Temporary Event Notice (TEN as amended by The Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2016;


4.      The following provisions of the Secretary of State’s guidance apply to this application:  Chapter 2 The Licensing Objectives, Chapter 3 Licensable Activities and Chapter 7 Temporary Event Notices (TENs). 


5.      The following paragraphs of the licensing authority’s statement of licensing policy apply to this application:  5.2 General Principles for Determination of Applications; 12 Temporary Event Notices (TENs).


6.      The Committee is reminded of their duty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to consider the crime and disorder implications of their decisions and the authority’s responsibility to co-operate in the reduction of crime and disorder in the city.


7.      The Committee is reminded that the Human Rights Act 1998 guarantees the right to a fair hearing for all parties in the determination of their civil rights.  The Act also provides for the protection of property, which may include licences in existence, and the protection of private and family life.